Mythos Leadership

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Business Systems Leader , San Francisco

“Working with Amy, I totally turned around my work situation -- from feeling lost and misaligned with what I wanted, to discovering a vision for the next stage of my career and getting hired for a role that is aligned with that vision.

When I started working with Amy, I lacked clarity about what I wanted from my career. I held many preconceived notions about choices I should make for my career. Amy helped me realize what I actually want, and to develop a vision for the next steps. Moreover, coaching helped me make tactical choices based on this new vision, leading me to find a new job in alignment with my values and desires.

From the very first appointment, the Discovery Session, Amy created a space for me to talk about all the important things in my life. That first session was so much more than I expected – I came away feeling joyful with a sense of potential. And the rest of our coaching engagement ultimately delivered just that.

I made a big shift in discovering my life purpose and values and giving myself permission to be who I am. When we started, most of my existential angst was about not having a clear vision for my career and future. Having figured this out during our coaching, I feel so much more at peace now. This was a massive transformation.

Amy helped me identify my limiting beliefs I held about myself and the world that have been making life unnecessarily harder for me. I learned to better name internal obstacles, and developed a healthy perspective and a sense of agency when tackling them.

Amy taught me a mindfulness meditation she created that has helped me tune into a much deeper level of self-awareness by surfacing the blockers I didn’t realize were such a heavy burden to carry. These amazing insights alone have been transformative for me.

Amy was one of the first Americans to get certified in a new European coaching method called Jungian Coaching while we were working together and we did several such sessions which were deep and cathartic. I gained important insights around reactions I sometimes have that I can now do something about. One potent session helped me identify and shift an internal conflict I was having that was exhausting me. It empowered me to courageously communicate my concerns in a risky work situation and advocate for myself which led to receiving support and making a positive life-changing decision. I feel like I have more freedom now to speak up without fear.

Amy enabled me to name the deepest-rooted obstacle to my fulfillment and develop a healthy perspective and a sense of agency around it. This feels so new and empowering!

I made tangible progress in understanding the source of my perfectionism. Amy taught me a powerful tool that helps manage this. Really transformative. Amy has also helped me fine-tune my communication skills to look for the win-win and meet my audience where they are without capitulating or sacrificing my own needs.

I’ve stopped stressing about the things I can’t change or don’t need to worry about and am focused on the more meaningful and productive things. I discovered that my pandemic fatigue diminished quite a lot when I started working on things I was excited about. With the extra energy freed up, I was able to get back to ceramics and other artistic pursuits in my leisure time.

I’ve learned to be much more accepting of and compassionate with myself. My self-confidence and self-worth have grown a lot!

Throughout, Amy was compassionate while also holding me accountable. She pushed and challenged me to grow in a kind and caring way. Her firm compassion was a crucial component of what made our time together both productive and enjoyable. As a result, my coaching experience with Amy was an important part of a significant personal shift -- she helped me give myself permission to be who I am, to set my vision for my career and future, and to act accordingly.”

– Business Systems Leader for software company, San Francisco Bay Area
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