15 Most Popular Topics Jungian Executive Coaching Addresses


Jungian Executive Coaching is the most powerful mindset and behavioral change accelerant I have found so far in my 13 years of professional coaching. It actively engages the subconscious mind to creatively resolve challenging dilemmas the client is facing. People often ask me what sort of issues it addresses so here are the types of topics clients often bring to our sessions:

1. There is an incongruence between how you’re actually living your life (or an aspect of it like work) and how you want to or think you should.

2. You’re fed up with a long-term reaction or trigger you have affecting your leadership, career or relationships.

3. You want to unleash more creativity around a specific initiative.

4. You feel stuck on a long-term project.

5. You have a dilemma you can’t seem to resolve.

6. You want your work to have more meaning or a powerful purpose.

7. You’re experiencing unusual anxiety, an internal struggle or some resistance.

8. You’re lacking confidence or are struggling with low self-esteem.

9. You want to get to the bottom of an inexplicably intense reaction to someone you work with.

10. You want to hone and harness your intuition or imagination to get a breakthrough.

11. You may have a blindspot in a relationship that’s causing tension or conflict.

12. There’s something you’re struggling to let go of and move on from.

13. You’re afraid to do something but think you should or feel pressured to.

14. You don’t know what you don’t know and are just curious to explore your unconscious more and see what it has to contribute.

15. You want to feel gloriously alive in your career and life!

Do any of these general topics bring to mind a specific one you’ve been grappling with? Maybe something that even seems intractable or you don’t believe is possible to change or improve? My clients have found that Jungian Executive Coaching is a very effective process with stubborn issues, many of which they’ve struggled with in psychotherapy for years but had a breakthrough after only several sessions. If you’d like to explore the potential of your own breakthrough, I’d love to hear from you.

Amy Logan

Amy Logan PCC, CPCC, is a certified executive coach, Jungian coach, a pioneer of Jungian executive coaching in the US, and the founder and CEO of Mythos Leadership where she supports leaders, founders and executives to break through their deepest obstacles and achieve their greatest potential.


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