Client Testimonials

Lewis Anderson, Founder & CEO, Traptic
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Lewis Anderson, Founder & CEO, Traptic

“Amy's insight and support played a significant role in Traptic's success as we raised multiple rounds of venture funding, deployed our robots and ultimately got acquired.”

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Lisa Marrone, Co-founder & CEO, Revel
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Lisa Marrone, Co-founder & CEO, Revel

“I've had therapists previously in my life and, unlike therapists who let you mull in your emotions, Amy encourages any needed emotional processing and reflection, but then gets you taking action and making forward momentum.”

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Joe Baer, Head of Customer Support, Binti
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Joe Baer, Head of Customer Support, Binti

“Amy has supported me to improve team dynamics and helped me learn how to have tough conversations. Every time I apply what I learn in our sessions, it has positive and immediate impact.”

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Titia, Consultant, The Netherlands
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Titia, Consultant, The Netherlands

“Amy’s coaching was very catalytic to my transformation over the past six months. I experienced an instant deep dive in our sessions, and I would not have been able to go so deep without Amy. ”

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Marcy Morrison, Founder, Careers with Wings
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Marcy Morrison, Founder, Careers with Wings

“Amy was able to unlock parts of me that tons of personal development, therapy and many different modalities of coaching could not. Amy was able to help me surface my inner wisdom and knowing and help me release myself from a self-imposed cage that I was in.”

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Director of Operations, Silicon Valley
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Director of Operations, Silicon Valley

“In every session, Amy helped me come back to myself and get to the core of what I needed to understand or realize. As a result, I feel more grounded in my inner knowing and can see myself more completely. I also feel more patient about life decisions and transitions.”

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Executive Producer, New York City
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Executive Producer, New York City

“Since working with Amy, the nagging inner critic and ever-present self-doubt have both evaporated, and I am now seeing the path ahead with the type of confidence that only stems from true self-belief. I recommend buying the Amy Logan ticket and taking the ride.“

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Business Systems Leader , San Francisco
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Business Systems Leader , San Francisco

“Amy helped me identify my limiting beliefs I held about myself and the world that have been making life unnecessarily harder for me. I learned to better name internal obstacles, and developed a healthy perspective and a sense of agency when tackling them.“

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Senior Fintech Leader and Philanthropist
Amy Logan Amy Logan

Senior Fintech Leader and Philanthropist

“I’ve become clearer on my own needs and how to fulfill them, including communicating them to select stakeholders. I’ve learned that asking for help (or even just a sounding board) is a fundamental leadership skill, not a sign of weakness. I had been over-indexing on self-sufficiency; now I feel less alone with my responsibilities and more cared for and connected to others.“

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Client Case Studies