Executive Coaching Services

Your life’s work shouldn’t feel like an endless struggle.

Clients want different things from coaching but everyone seeks positive change and growth.

According to the Institute of Coaching at Harvard Medical School, by harnessing innate strengths, uncovering intrinsic motivations, and asking empowering questions, coaching fosters self-generated insight, vision, and goal clarity.

It should also lead to tangible progress and fulfillment in the client’s life and work.

Person pulling on rope, representing struggling Executive Leaders

“So grateful to have found Amy! I highly recommend her!”

– Jenny Fogarty, Senior Director, People Operations, True Link Financial

Crew team rowing, representing inspirational leaders of a synchronous team

A team that pulls together can be unstoppable.

Results-oriented Executive Coaching can address:

  • High-empathy/high-performance leadership

  • Management skills

  • Emotional intelligence and well-being

  • Communication, relationships and trust

  • Psychological safety for teams

  • Cultures of accountability and feedback

  • Leveraging strengths

  • Improving areas for growth

  • Overcoming team dysfunction

  • Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging

  • Talent retention and engagement

  • Onboarding new employees

Do any of these common issues sound familiar?

Amy offers results-oriented, custom executive coaching engagements addressing:

Defensiveness, having difficult conversations, being too harsh/lashing out, conflict avoidance/ people-pleasing/ sugarcoating, confidence/imposter syndrome, struggling to give or receive effective feedback, unclear communication, impatience, holding others accountable, ineffective delegating, management inexperience, indecisiveness, stubbornness, holding grudges, collaboration/teamwork, prioritization, stress, uncertainty, empathy, follow-through, fear, co-founder dynamics, work/life balance, culture dysfunction

Where Amy Logan, Mythos Leadership’s Founder, stands out from other coaches:

Mythos Founder, Amy Logan providing Executive Coaching

Her experience co-founding and exiting two startups and leading a UN organization helps her relate more closely to the challenges her clients face.

Certified in Jungian Coaching, she has specific skills and experience surfacing transformative resources and insights from the client that they didn’t know they had.

Amy is skilled at uncovering the root cause of intractable behavioral challenges and addressing them directly so they get resolved permanently.

Amy has developed and deployed a proprietary conflict transformation method that helps colleagues communicate the hard things, resolve tensions, get aligned and cultivate deeper trust.

Zeba Khan, San Francisco Chronicle

“Amy’s coaching was and continues to be incredibly impactful. Over the course of our sessions, Amy has helped me identify triggers and barriers that were hindering my self-development. She really listened with care.”

– Zeba Khan, San Francisco Chronicle

Additional  Executive Coaching Offerings:

360 Feedback Assessments

Amy offers a robust, proprietary, interview-based 360 feedback assessment to surface the crucial areas for growth to focus on so she and her clients can hit the ground running. This is one of the most powerful tools in her toolbox.

Pro Bono Coaching

The BFF Program - Amy’s personal commitment to racial equity led her to offer pro bono coaching engagements to Black female founders twice a year. Black female startup founders receive .34% of all venture capital funds, the least of any demographic. Amy has worked with Backstage Capital, All Raise and soon, Visible Figures.

Ukrainian Refugees – Inspired by her friendship with an extraordinary coach who is a Ukrainian refugee, Amy has coached some displaced war refugees to find new lives.


Jungian Coaching