Tiffany Chu, Chief of Staff to Mayor Michelle Wu, City of Boston

Tiffany Chu, Chief of Staff to the Mayor of Boston

“I started working with Amy when I took over the CEO role at a company I co-founded, and I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur in a sustainable way. Amy had more of an executive perspective – having managed teams and led organizations through different stages, she has had the work and life experience to see the bigger picture and understand the role of a leader. She coached me to become a successful first-time CEO, then through my company’s acquisition process, helping me sell my company to a great outcome.

Amy supported me to improve my self-awareness as a leader so I could effectively lead a high-performing executive team, get my work done in a reasonable number of hours per day, and feel good about it. I became more resilient, developed confidence about being a CEO, advocated for my own needs (less people-pleasing), and learned how to feel grounded and calm under pressure. 

Amy helped me start setting aside invaluable weekly strategic thinking time to focus on specific areas. She taught me a tool of hers that helped ease my mind over issues most founders grapple with -- anxiety of running out of money, work/life imbalance, the high-pressure stakes, and the uncertainty. It helped me build more resilience. I learned how to hold my direct reports accountable in a humane and effective way, while improving trust.

Amy helped me craft a message to the executive team when we were going through a tough time at the start of the pandemic. We then achieved the highest rating for employee engagement in a survey due to the leadership change and how I had been leading through Covid. This gave me more confidence that I could lean on my intuition more. My positive motivation grew.

I learned to use vulnerability and disclosure as part of my leadership style that had the domino effect of allowing others to bring more of their whole selves to work, too. Finally, Amy supported me through the emotional rollercoaster of our acquisition journey.

To this day, in my new role as Chief of Staff to the first elected woman and person of color for the City of Boston, I still lean on Amy and use her coaching to guide me through the next chapter of my career. I would highly recommend her.”

– Tiffany Chu, Chief of Staff to Mayor Michelle Wu, City of Boston

Amy Logan

Amy Logan PCC, CPCC, is a certified executive coach, Jungian coach, a pioneer of Jungian executive coaching in the US, and the founder and CEO of Mythos Leadership where she supports leaders, founders and executives to break through their deepest obstacles and achieve their greatest potential.


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