Mythos Leadership

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The Top 8 Benefits of Jungian Executive Coaching

Organizations and executives can hugely benefit from including Jungian Executive Coaching as a complement to traditional executive coaching and leadership development programs. Here’s how:

 1.    It accelerates profound change and growth. 

2.    It can resolve seemingly intractable triggers, reactions and behaviors. Read this case study of how a product leader transformed a seemingly intractable habit that threatened his career.

3.    The changes evoked are long-lasting because they are at root cause level.

4.    Jungian Executive Coaching cultivates employees who know themselves well which allows the company to channel the right person into the right role. And not just a “good enough” fit but a role that galvanizes all their intelligence, motivation and engagement. These more fulfilled and inspired employees are then able and driven to maximize their potential without resistance.

5.    It liberates superpowers you didn’t know you had: new, useful self-awareness, helpful insights, gifts, creativity, innovation, supportive emerging beliefs, motivation, healing, transformation, growth and wisdom. It’s like discovering your own internal coach.

6.    Organizations save money because the issues Jungian Executive Coaching addresses can be resolved much faster.

7.    Its outcomes include greater employee well-being, purpose, engagement, sense of belonging, retention, less burnout, lower stress.

8.    Anticipate improved business outcomes due to gaining creative problem-solving capability, insight into complex situations, innovative thinking, effective decision-making and collaboration.

You get profound and lasting change when you actively engage your unconscious and imagination through this Jungian approach to leadership development.

If you’re not intentionally engaging your unconscious, you’re only harnessing a fraction of your intelligence, power and competitive advantage.

If we truly want our leaders, teams and organizations to actually move beyond their dysfunctions to sustainable thriving, corporate leadership development should include Jungian Executive Coaching alongside traditional executive coaching.