Mythos Leadership

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Joe Baer, Head of Customer Support, Binti

“I have been working with Amy since February 2020 and I am so grateful for her. We started our coaching sessions with a 360 review and used that feedback to discover and prioritize areas for growth. At times this feedback was tough to hear, but Amy delivered it in a caring way while at the same time not sugarcoating it. Amy’s combination of compassion and honesty allowed me to open myself up to growth and improvement instead of settling for the status quo.

Through Amy’s coaching, I have been able to build upon my strengths and start to turn my areas for improvement into strengths. I always come away from my coaching sessions feeling better off for having had time with her.

Amy has supported me to improve team dynamics and helped me learn how to have tough conversations. Every time I apply what I learn in our sessions, it has positive and immediate impact. The impact has not only made me a better leader, it has made my team stronger, which as an aspiring servant leader, is so rewarding to me.

In short, Amy is a wonderful coach, and I am blessed to have her as my coach. I wholeheartedly recommend Amy to anyone who is looking to transform and grow as a leader and as a person.”

– Joe Baer, Head of Customer Support, Binti